An essential part of a successful marriage is a date night. It doesn’t actually have to be at night but there must be a block of time carved out every week to date your spouse. You don’t even have to go out necessarily, a date doesn’t have to cost you money, in fact you may find that one of the best ways to enjoy a date together is by simply putting a fire in the fireplace, playing The discovery Game or lighting a bunch of candles, turning off the lights and just talking. The most important resource your marriage will require— is your time.
Before you were married, most likely, both you and your spouse-to-be would strive to meet each others needs. Those fulfilled needs are probably what led you to the alter in the first place. Frequently, when a couple marries,the resources once spent in pursuit of the spouse-to-be are now allocated elsewhere, and the relationship wanes.

The time and energy that once fed the relationship is now given to other things— necessary things, good things: education, career, a home, and children. In the process however, the needs of the spouse can easily begin to lose priority. We tend to deal with the urgent at the expense of the important until the important becomes urgent. If this course persists however, and time spent together continues to remain infrequent, common interests will begin to fade causing disappointment, discouragement and creating emotional distance for the once happy couple. At this point the important becomes critical.