If you are looking to host a seminar check out the The Art of Marriageand the The discovery Game Group Version. Or if you are searching for a marriage Seminar near you? Check our Recommended Resources page!
We highly recommend a getaway every year to focus on your marriage. The seminar type, where you are learning from highly experienced and credentialed people is almost an essential. Also, a weekend or weeklong getaway (vacation) for you and your spouse, where you relax and enjoy each other, is equally important. We recommend at least one of these a year. If your schedule and budget can afford it, do both.

No one would put fuel in a car once and then expect to drive around for the next year. Your relationship will need routine refueling. If you go on two outings a year, like those prescribed above, you will be able to connect and refresh your relationship. This will help you and your spouse get back to “each other”. However, that is only part of the plan, because those 2 getaways, as important as they are, only account for 2-4% of your year. If you want a truly loving and intimate relationship you will need to find ways to connect during the remaining 96%-98% of the year.
Marriage takes effort and requires work. But that work can be fun and exciting. The discovery Game is a fantastic way, with no preparation, to refuel your relationship. But anything you and your spouse can do, that is fun for both of you, that allows for communication, especially in an exciting atmosphere, will serve well as a method of recharging your marriage.