You may have heard of the bestselling book, The Five Love Languages. This book, written by Gary Chapman has been on the New York Times Bestseller list for over 10 years! In the book, Chapman asserts that we all have one or more of five love languages— ways in which we give and receive love—and that, the way to deepen your relationship is to love your spouse, not in accordance with your own love language, which is the typical approach, but instead, to love your spouse via the language in which he or she actually receives love. In “The discovery Game Booklet”, (included with the game) we reference and recommend The Five Love Languages. But as good as the book is, it has a weakness common to all books of this type: it requires you to read, interpret, grasp, incorporate and implement a 200+ page book and, get your spouse to cooperate.
This is not in any way meant to discourage you from purchasing this, or any other book (readers are leaders). We strongly endorse the book! But we also recommend another approach to invigorating and/or healing your relationship. Remember what it felt like when you were first falling in love? You didn’t need to read about it. You didn’t need to carefully assess and regurgitate ways of interacting which might be profitable to your relationship. You just interacted naturally. The discovery Game was designed to help renew and rekindle your relationship by facilitating interaction in exactly this way!

From time to time, every marriage will get caught up in work, kids, and life. If you would like a “no preparation” way to invigorate/excite your relationship, or, to keep your marriage “aflame,” The discovery Game is for you! We are not suggesting that something more cannot be gained from The Five Love Languages, or any of the other marriage enrichment resources we recommend on our Recommended Resources page. Instead, we are suggesting that you also help yourself to the easiest and most natural way to connect/reconnect, excite and invigorate your marriage. The discovery Game will cultivate an exhilarating atmosphere for you— where conversation, fun and romance result naturally. Get The discovery Game for less than it costs to go out to dinner, and be ready to pull a great date out of the box— anytime!