What you need is a reliable, easy, fun way to connect, relate and enjoy each other. You need to be able to do this regularly (this is especially true if you have young children and it is difficult to get away from the house.). What you need is The discovery Game.
The discovery Game was specifically designed to foster romance, friendship, communication and intimacy. Prior to the release of The discovery Game, over 300 couples playtested prototypes for a period of 4 years. The feedback from these couples crucially affected the initial release of the product. Since then, the game has been put into use by many marriage/family therapists, pastoral counselors and tens of thousands of happy couples. We continue to carefully monitor feedback and have honed and tweaked the game accordingly. Today, The discovery Game is a finely-tuned instrument for establishing and developing a robust marriage.

The game will elicit excitement in the relationship— excitement for one another. It will stimulate physical intimacy and sexual intimacy at a pace that never feels coerced. The game will also help hurt couples heal emotional wounds. But, the most amazing thing about the game is, all of this occurs as you are simply playing a game, as you are simply having fun together! The discovery Game is truly a tool that feels like a toy. Playing doesn’t feel like an intentional effort to improve the relationship, you’re just having fun. The results come almost effortlessly. Get The discovery Game for less than it costs to go out to dinner, and be ready to pull a great date out of the box— anytime!