Marriage enrichment made fun The discovery Game creates an atmosphere of exhilaration, where a couple can experience something similar to those initial “falling in love” feelings. During this process, true intimacy is developed and deepened. The discovery Game is effective for the newlywed, the empty nester and everyone in between. From couples that are very close, to those who are struggling, all can expect a deeper more intimate relationship with his or her spouse, and all can expect to have a great deal of fun!
The discovery Game is recommended by:
- Focus on the Family
- The American Association of Christian Counselors and
- Shaunti Feldhahn, the best selling Christian author of several books including For Women Only
Before production, The discovery
Game was tested for four years,
and shaped by over 300 couples!
Most couples have nights, dates, and vacations that they can look back on— thinking: ‘wow that was a great time!’ The discovery Game can make that sort of an experience available, whenever, and however often a couple chooses to pull it out of the box. Learn more about The discovery Game